Beginning Information on MoreMoneyComics_Comicbook Analytics_Read Me First


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 MoreMoneyComics_Comicbook Analytics_Read Me First

Amazingly Secret Approach Using an Incredibly Novel Data Analysis Procedure for Comic Book Investing and Speculation. 

Note this is Stream-line Blog

This blog is a vehicle to get out to the public my analytical data I use for speculation in investing into silver-age comic-books.  Note the word speculation, which implies an educated guess.

I hypothesize that two worlds exist in the comic-book investment market.

We have  INSIDERS and OUTSIDERS. I have developed a method to parse out those two worlds and compare them through any major run of Silver-age comic-books.

I have a method to gather and produce a comic-book database that contains both I and O worlds.

I can produce at least 3 levels of data analysis, BScore, I/O SLN, and ADFs across 3 Comic-book grades (9.4, 8 and 6)

BScore is the Bias Score that each Silver-age comic-book Issue has to it based on value analysis. These scores are adjusted to account for extreme value issues. A positive number represents a Bias in the value noted by the Insiders while a negative number represents a Bias in the value by the unsophisticated outsiders. I focus my efforts on the Insiders biased comic-books

I/O SLN is the slope of the combined values in both databases in the three grades, 9.4, 8, and 6.

ADFs is the adjusted average differences of the I/O data for each issue at the three selected grades.

I look forward to putting a report out once a week. Contact for comments, blog interactions proposals, etc.




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