Cluster analysis of the DD FF Avengers_Landscape Graphs Part 4

Landscape Bias Graphs of DD, Avengers, Thor, ASM, FF and X-men at the 9.4 condition

I have plotted the level of I vs O bias in the first 20 issues of each run.
The X axis is the issue count number (Thor-JIM 83 is 1 etc) while the Y axis is the bias level. 20 is highest, 10 is next and 2, 1 are the low I bias and 0 is no bias. Note as was seen in the data previously, we have the strongest insider bias at the 9.4 condition.

Below is the image of the Daredevil Run
Analysis of this run shows as with most runs I have seen that high early insider bias followed by more chaotic bias pattern. Solid in the first 8 issues for sure. Only 3 issues 9, 11, 13 and 18 seem to be those to not focus on at the 9.4 condition.

The next up is the Avengers run. See below.

 The Avengers show a strong first 12 with insider Bias at the 9.4 level. From 13 to 20 on 16 is your focus at 9.4 conditions.

Next up is the Thor (Journey into Mystery first 20 issues with Thor. Thus Issue 1 is 83, 2 is 84 etc.

 OK, other than issue ten (JIM 92), the first 14 Thor JIM are strong Insider biased. The 9.4 bias is really stretched out in this run as compared to DD. And slightly ahead of the Avengers run. I hypothesize that in we have 2 inputs in the Avengers and Thor vs. the Daredevil run. Input one is the level of side characters and importance in the marvel world. Input 2 is the "newness" of investment focus on Avengers and Thor as compared to ASM and X-men. We will see that FF is a strong run as well.

Next up lest look at the FF run at 9.4 conditions for biases.

So we see a strong run with the first 8 and really 9 issues having a insider bias. 10 drops out but 11 to 13 we see a come back into strong I bias. So FF only has 4 issues without a I Bias. 10, 14, 15 and 20. Thor had 5 issues like these. Avengers had 5 and DD had 4.

So I next turn to the X-men and ASM runs that are the most different in this cluster of 6 runs.
See Below.
 So we see in the ASM and X-men a weakness. X-men has 7 weak outsider biased issues while ASM has 12 issues that have a decidedly Outsider bias. Is this due the over-popularity of this runs?? Overvalued comics?  I am not sure have test that hypothesis right now?


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