Last Call for the first ten runs. The Score Card

Amazingly Secret Approach Using an Incredibly Novel Data Analysis Procedure for Comic Book Investing and Speculation. 

This post is a final look into the last posts we have seen. I have a quick and dirty score card I use for fast decisions. I present the score cards below. Lime green means buy at all grades, dark green buy only at 9.4 , yellow means watch list only, no color is sell. Remember to review the post on angles and price points. I never Buy at average price. I either buy it below or walk. I have no emotion on the issue it's a vehicle for a 20 year investment program that I have tailored to me. You must find your own path. This data is a map that is all. A guide only. Next up runs like Cap America, Conan, Submariner etc. About ten more or so.  Good Luck. MMC!

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