Cluster Analysis and Investment Potential of Defenders, Ghost Rider Vol 2, and Capt Marvel Selected Issues
Cluster Analysis and Investment Potential of Defenders, Ghost Rider Vol 2, and Capt Marvel Selected Issues
Table 1 shows the data from the combined analysis that I call my cluster analysis. I add all these issues together and re-looked at all of the issues in these 3 titles. So as before Lime Green stained issues are the High I Biased issues and are the one to focus on. Note the B Scores of Capt Marvel 17 with a 236.2 followed by 168 with CM 27, Ghost Rider 1 143 and finally CM 18 at 1 34. So CM 17 is the top of the top four and is one issue for your keenest focus. Note the drop in B Scores for the next group stained by Dark Green. Defenders 1 comes in here at 86 followed by alot of CM issues. Note much to says for the GR issues here,
Table 1 B Scores of the Selected Titles and Issues.

So we move into the SLN numbers in Table 2 that give us a feel for the two worlds and how they are focused on the issues. CM own the top 4 Issues of Bias differences. Note we have CM 17 again. Defenders 17 and GR 11 are the other Lime Green stained issues. Note we really have a I Bias sweep of alot of these issues. I see alot of opportunity here. The movie etc are heavily influencing the Insiders.
Table 2 SLN, DF and DF% numbers of CM, GR and DF titles and issues.

Table 3 shows the ADF data and highlights the I Biased Issues and the grades to focus on. The orange $ marks the I Bias in that slot. CM 17 is at the top again followed by GR 1. Both are to be focused at at least 9.4 and 8 grade. Note the next dark green issues are Highly based in the CM title and are recommended for a 9.4 focus only. Interesting to see the overbought CM 2, 3, and 4 issues for ones to avoid.
Table 3 ADFs of the CM, GR, and DF titles and selected issues.
I developed the Score Card (Table 4) as a device to look across the data streams and judge the issues real value. Table 4 presents that data. The three column is the issues that were I Biased in all three data streams (Lime Green). The two column is those issues I Biased in 2 data streams (Dark Green). The one data stream I Biased issues are in the one column (Yellow). So as I look at GR its the issue #1 only as the main show. The DF have only has Issues 17 and 1 as a focus. In CM note the large amount of Lime Green stained issues 17, 18, 21, 27, and 30. So you have alot of issues to find those bargains.
Table 4 Score Card for the GR, DF and CM Titles.
We have arrived at the Desire Scale Rankings (Table 5 and 6) to place these issues in relationship to each other. So not surprisingly CM 17 is the top 10 percentile of 1356 comics looked at in my data base. Note GR 1 and DF 1 are in the mix but CM issues are the star here and I think these are the focus here. Note the drop in the GR issues from 85% to 65%. That is a big drop. DF 1 to 17 is not such a big drop 83% to 79%. Finally take home that the CM issues are about the same so make prices as your tie breakers.
Table 5 and 6 Desire Scale Ranking.
Table 1 shows the data from the combined analysis that I call my cluster analysis. I add all these issues together and re-looked at all of the issues in these 3 titles. So as before Lime Green stained issues are the High I Biased issues and are the one to focus on. Note the B Scores of Capt Marvel 17 with a 236.2 followed by 168 with CM 27, Ghost Rider 1 143 and finally CM 18 at 1 34. So CM 17 is the top of the top four and is one issue for your keenest focus. Note the drop in B Scores for the next group stained by Dark Green. Defenders 1 comes in here at 86 followed by alot of CM issues. Note much to says for the GR issues here,
Table 1 B Scores of the Selected Titles and Issues.

So we move into the SLN numbers in Table 2 that give us a feel for the two worlds and how they are focused on the issues. CM own the top 4 Issues of Bias differences. Note we have CM 17 again. Defenders 17 and GR 11 are the other Lime Green stained issues. Note we really have a I Bias sweep of alot of these issues. I see alot of opportunity here. The movie etc are heavily influencing the Insiders.
Table 2 SLN, DF and DF% numbers of CM, GR and DF titles and issues.

Table 3 shows the ADF data and highlights the I Biased Issues and the grades to focus on. The orange $ marks the I Bias in that slot. CM 17 is at the top again followed by GR 1. Both are to be focused at at least 9.4 and 8 grade. Note the next dark green issues are Highly based in the CM title and are recommended for a 9.4 focus only. Interesting to see the overbought CM 2, 3, and 4 issues for ones to avoid.
Table 3 ADFs of the CM, GR, and DF titles and selected issues.

I developed the Score Card (Table 4) as a device to look across the data streams and judge the issues real value. Table 4 presents that data. The three column is the issues that were I Biased in all three data streams (Lime Green). The two column is those issues I Biased in 2 data streams (Dark Green). The one data stream I Biased issues are in the one column (Yellow). So as I look at GR its the issue #1 only as the main show. The DF have only has Issues 17 and 1 as a focus. In CM note the large amount of Lime Green stained issues 17, 18, 21, 27, and 30. So you have alot of issues to find those bargains.
Table 4 Score Card for the GR, DF and CM Titles.

We have arrived at the Desire Scale Rankings (Table 5 and 6) to place these issues in relationship to each other. So not surprisingly CM 17 is the top 10 percentile of 1356 comics looked at in my data base. Note GR 1 and DF 1 are in the mix but CM issues are the star here and I think these are the focus here. Note the drop in the GR issues from 85% to 65%. That is a big drop. DF 1 to 17 is not such a big drop 83% to 79%. Finally take home that the CM issues are about the same so make prices as your tie breakers.
Table 5 and 6 Desire Scale Ranking.

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