Investment Potential and Key Analysis of Amazing Adventures Vol 2 (Bronze Age) Issues #1 to 18
Investment Potential and Key Analysis of Amazing Adventures (Bronze Age) Issues #1 to 18
As we look into the bronze age run, we expect the emphasis on the Inhumans, Black Widow and the first furry Beast are going to be the key elements that Insider investors will be focused on. Table 1 presents the Bias Scores for all the issues in Amazing Adventures (AA). I has previous discussed all the data streams I you to look into these runs. So I highlight the highest Insider Biased issues with Lime green staining and somewhat biased issues with Dark green staining. Grey issues are on the watch list. So the story here is the 2 issues, 11 and 13. Issue 11 is the first furry Beast and issue 13 is the big fight vs the brotherhood of evil mutants. These are 184 and 181 and the next is issue 14 is at 107. So clearly these 2 issue are the standout ones by the Insiders and then need to invite your focus as well.
Table 1. B Scores of the AA issues 1 to 18.

We next have my data stream that focuses on the two worlds of the Insiders and Outsiders across the 3 grades of 9.4, 8 , and 6. SLN numbers represent the differences in the I/O worlds in the grades. I determine the SLN DF between the worlds and then calculate the %DF of the issue. All of these issues are I biased as determined by all those positive numbers. Lime green issues have the highest DF SLN numbers and Dark green stained issues are somewhat biased. Issues 11 and 13 have the highest SLN DFs numbers of 135 and 117 but if you scale these numbers by determining the %DF you see that other issues are highlighted, 2 9 , 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18. So I think this is suggesting a strength in these issues.
Table 2. SLN Numbers of the AA issues 1 to 18.

So as per my data analysis flow, we roll into the deep section of Bias Analysis. The Average Difference in Bias between the I/O worlds at the different grades of 9.4, 8, and 6. Table 3 shows this data. Each issue is rated with a orange $ if very positive with a high I Bias, grey question mark for watch list, and X for those issues at the grade that are overbought by the unsophisticated outsiders. We focus on the $. If an issue has at least 2 $ at 9.4 and 8 I denoted it with a Lime green staining while dark staining issues are those that are positive only at the 9.4 grade. What is spectacular is the almost complete sweep at 9.4 for almost all issues. This show the high strength these issues have at 9.4 grades. Insiders are very bullish about them and so should you be. Issue 8 is the last Black Widow/Inhumans split and is rated a Lime green and of course Issue 11 is as well. Issue 16 (lime green) is the last original Beast story as 17 is a repeat story. Issue 18 (lime green) is the first Killraven (war of the worlds).
Table 3. ADFs of the AA Issues 1 to 18.

Table 4 illustrates the Score Card data to allow a Top-down focus. Again Lime green issues are rated highest, followed by dark green and yellow stained issues. As we look is is very clear a strong group and run and needs to be in your focused portfolio.
Table . Score Card of AA Issues 1 to 18.

Finally Table 5 is the Scaled Ranking of all issues in a desire scale. The range is 87 percentile to 57 percentile out of 1356 rated. The order is 13, 11, 14, 15, 17, 1 and 9. Lime green are the best issues for focus followed by the dark green stained issues and then grey issues. Note 13 and 11 are tied. So since 11 is the first furry beast, that makes Issue 13 very powerful as well would expect issue 11 to be separated from 13. So I would rank 13 as a slight higher in my rankings.
Table 5. Desire Scale Rankings of AA issues 1 to 18.

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