Investment Potential and Analysis of Savage Sword of Conan Issues 1 to 5

Savage Sword of Conan

The first Table presents the Bias Score for all the issues. Bias scores show which issues are being bought by the Insiders (Pros) vs. the Outsiders (Fans Less Serious). The concept of my approach is to focus on the issues being bought BULLISHLY by the investors.

We developed an analysis of data to quantify this Bias (B Score). We mark the issues with the highest Bias with Lime Green followed by a Dark Green staining for issues with a lesser but definite Bias. 

Table 2 data deals with another data stream on comic-book issues. This run’s issues are looked at 3 grades 9.4, 8 and 6. The changes in bias between the different grades are calculated and the SLN numbers were born. The SLN numbers look into each “world” of the I vs. O bias data.  This data has shown historically to be the most liberal and establishes the investment potential across the grades of 9.4, 8 and 6. Very quickly, the green stained are positive issues and red stained issues are a negative and invite a non-focus in only investments

We then compare those SLN numbers and generate a difference number we call the DF. Finally add the I and O SLN numbers together (total) and determine the %DF number for each issue. Green staining is good (Higher Bias) and Grey and Red are issues that are not good for an investment focus. This data stream is more liberal in the rigor and you get the best case for an issue,

The deepest level of analysis we developed is the ADF number (average difference between the I/O worlds) of each issue at each grade. I denote a high I Bias with the orange $.

Lime green stained issues are rated I Biased in all grades or at least 9.4 and 8. Dark green stained issues are only biased at the 9.4 grade while the other grades are overbought relative to the professional investor’s desires.

Table 3 is the stricter data stream and highlights both the issue and grade. We calculate the average difference (ADF) in Issue Bias between the Insider and Outsiders groups.  Lime Green are issues that are I Biased at least 9.4 and 8 grades (High Bias). (Orange $). The dark green issues are support with a Bias in 9.4 grade only. The other issues are to be avoided.

Table 4 is the Score Card information for each issue at the 3 data streams. This allows a top down view across the data streams. We denote the issues supported in all three data streams with a Lime Green staining. Dark Green has only 2 data streams support and yellow issues are supported in one data stream only. 

Table1. Bias Score

This will be quick hit. Issue 2 seems to have any juice as issue 1 is overbought.

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Table 2. SLN, DF and %DF Data

Only Issue 5 has any juice in this data stream.
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Table 3. ADF Data

Only Issue 2 and 5 at 9.4 and above are recommended. The theme is Conan is not on everyone's mind and the data supports that. So if you think a reboot movie will not happen, I would move on. If you believe a reboot is possible then this might be a "long" play investment. Check the Conan, Red Sonja and Savage Tales issues for targets.
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Table 4 is the score card and only 2 and 5 have any juice and only at 9.4 grade. See above.
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