Investment Potential and Analysis of Marvel 2 in 1 Bronze Age Series
Marvel 2 in 1
The First Table presents the Bias Score for all the issues. Bias scores show which issues are being bought by the Insiders (Pros) vs the Outsiders (Fans Less Serious). The concept of my approach is to focus on the issues being bought BULLISHLY by the investors. So we developed an analysis of data to quantify this Bias.
We mark the issues with the highest Bias with Lime Green followed by a Dark Green staining for issues with a lesser but definite Bias.
We see that issue 1 and 4 are the focus and have the highest Bias signals in this data stream. Issue one has the man-thing vs thing on cover. A unique adventure for the the thing. He is mad that another has the thing as its name!. Issue 4 has the Thing, Capt America and Agent Carter are in it, Neat cover!. This is part one and Issue 5 completes the story dealing with the 31st century! Issue has the Guardians of the Galaxy as well. Note 5 is also green stained and is somewhat biased.

We next have my data stream that focuses on the two worlds of the Insiders and Outsiders across the 3 grades of 9.4, 8 , and 6. SLN numbers (Table 2) represent the differences in the I/O worlds within all three the grades. I determine the SLN difference (DF) between the worlds and then calculate the %DF of the issue. All of these issues are I biased as determined by all those positive numbers except for Issue 6. Lime green issues have the highest DF SLN numbers and Dark green stained issues are somewhat biased. Bronze Issue may be heating up as silver age comics are too costly.
As per my data analysis flow, we roll into the deep section of Bias Analysis. The Average Difference in Bias between the I/O worlds at the different grades of 9.4, 8, and 6. Table 3 shows this data. Each issue is rated with a orange $ if very positive with a high I Bias, grey question mark for watch list, and X for those issues at the grade that are overbought by the unsophisticated outsiders. We focus on the $. If an issue has at least 2 $ at 9.4 and 8 I denoted it with a Lime green staining while dark staining issues are those that are positive only at the 9.4 grade.
In Table 3 we see that only Issue 7 is stained lime green and deemed as high Bias at grades 9.4 and 8. Issues 1, 3, 4, 5, are somewhat biased but only at 9.4. Issue 1 has the 9.4 and 6 pattern as well. Is it overbought at 8? Data would suggest yes. These issue are always fascinating. Issue 7 has the Valkyrie and the Executioner and a great cover. We discussed issues 1, 4, and 5. Issue 3 has Daredevil and Black Widow and is the first part of the story and that story ARC is completed in DD#110.
Table 4 illustrates the Score Card data to allow a Top-down focus. Again Lime green issues are rated highest, followed by dark green and yellow stained issues. As we look is is very clear an fairly strong group and run and Issues 1, 3 to 5 and 7 can be targets in your focused portfolio.
The last bit is these Issues are rated on my Desire Scale. In Table 5, each issue is noted by its Scaled Rank on the Desire Scale. Issue 1 and 4 are the highest being in the top 40% of 1356 comics I ranked. Issue 5 is next. Looks like an low funding investment opportunity?
The First Table presents the Bias Score for all the issues. Bias scores show which issues are being bought by the Insiders (Pros) vs the Outsiders (Fans Less Serious). The concept of my approach is to focus on the issues being bought BULLISHLY by the investors. So we developed an analysis of data to quantify this Bias.
We mark the issues with the highest Bias with Lime Green followed by a Dark Green staining for issues with a lesser but definite Bias.
We see that issue 1 and 4 are the focus and have the highest Bias signals in this data stream. Issue one has the man-thing vs thing on cover. A unique adventure for the the thing. He is mad that another has the thing as its name!. Issue 4 has the Thing, Capt America and Agent Carter are in it, Neat cover!. This is part one and Issue 5 completes the story dealing with the 31st century! Issue has the Guardians of the Galaxy as well. Note 5 is also green stained and is somewhat biased.
Table 1. Bias Scores of Marvel 2 in 1.

We next have my data stream that focuses on the two worlds of the Insiders and Outsiders across the 3 grades of 9.4, 8 , and 6. SLN numbers (Table 2) represent the differences in the I/O worlds within all three the grades. I determine the SLN difference (DF) between the worlds and then calculate the %DF of the issue. All of these issues are I biased as determined by all those positive numbers except for Issue 6. Lime green issues have the highest DF SLN numbers and Dark green stained issues are somewhat biased. Bronze Issue may be heating up as silver age comics are too costly.
Table 2. SLN, DF and %DF numbers for Marvel 2 in 1

As per my data analysis flow, we roll into the deep section of Bias Analysis. The Average Difference in Bias between the I/O worlds at the different grades of 9.4, 8, and 6. Table 3 shows this data. Each issue is rated with a orange $ if very positive with a high I Bias, grey question mark for watch list, and X for those issues at the grade that are overbought by the unsophisticated outsiders. We focus on the $. If an issue has at least 2 $ at 9.4 and 8 I denoted it with a Lime green staining while dark staining issues are those that are positive only at the 9.4 grade.
In Table 3 we see that only Issue 7 is stained lime green and deemed as high Bias at grades 9.4 and 8. Issues 1, 3, 4, 5, are somewhat biased but only at 9.4. Issue 1 has the 9.4 and 6 pattern as well. Is it overbought at 8? Data would suggest yes. These issue are always fascinating. Issue 7 has the Valkyrie and the Executioner and a great cover. We discussed issues 1, 4, and 5. Issue 3 has Daredevil and Black Widow and is the first part of the story and that story ARC is completed in DD#110.
Table 3 ADFs for Marvel 2 in 1 Issues 1 to 10.

Table 4 illustrates the Score Card data to allow a Top-down focus. Again Lime green issues are rated highest, followed by dark green and yellow stained issues. As we look is is very clear an fairly strong group and run and Issues 1, 3 to 5 and 7 can be targets in your focused portfolio.
Table 4. Score Card for Marvel 2 in 1 Issues 1 to 10.

The last bit is these Issues are rated on my Desire Scale. In Table 5, each issue is noted by its Scaled Rank on the Desire Scale. Issue 1 and 4 are the highest being in the top 40% of 1356 comics I ranked. Issue 5 is next. Looks like an low funding investment opportunity?
Table 5. Desire Scale for Marvel 2 in 1 Issues 1 to 10.

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