"Tales from the Database Clues for Profit?" Series Part 3___Color Coded B Scores. Amazing Adventures, Astonishing Tales, Capt Marvel and Conan Assorted Issues.

"Tales from the Database  

Clues for Profit?" Series 

Part 3

We begin a look back from a top down way at the Comic-book Issues and their B Scores.

I use a color coded designation. 

Highest Segments of 80% to 100% (8 and 9 segments) in Green. Lowest Segments of 0 to 20% (Segments 0, 1 and 2) with Red.

I have used an excel pivot table to gather and present the data. 

I present Amazing Adventures, Astonishing Tales, Capt Marvel and Conan Assorted Issues. 

These designations hold until I can recalculate the data.


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