Updated Investment Analysis of Amazing Spiderman # 1 to 17 plus AF #15. Surprising Update from 2015 Data!
Updated Investment Analysis of Amazing Spiderman # 1 to 17 plus AF #15. Surprising Update from 2015 Data! The first table presents the Bias Score (B Score) for all the issues. Bias scores show which issues are being bought by the Insiders (Pros) vs. the Outsiders (Fans Less Serious). The concept of my approach is to focus on the issues being bought BULLISHLY by the investors. We developed an analysis of data to quantify this Bias (B Score). We mark the issues with the highest Bias with Lime Green followed by a Dark Green staining for issues with a lesser but definite Bias. Red are those issues to avoid. Starting now I am circling back to my early Blog Posts from 2015. I will add an Extra Figure following the Current Bias information. See the discussion of the exciting findings! The following figure lists the Title, Issue, Current Bias Scoring, Previous Bias scoring, Bias Score Change and the % of Change. I have colorized for your pleasure the Bi...