Current Investment Analysis ASM 200 to 237

Investment Analysis ASM 200 to 237


Silver and Bronze Age Comic-Book Investment Guide: Marvel Comics Edition [Print Replica] Kindle Edition

This guide is a product of many years of thinking and learning about comic book investments and investing decisions under uncertainty. I have used my scientific training as well to approach acquisitions of undervalued silver and bronze age comic books. My studies in horse racing, stock market analysis, and fantasy football have also contributed to my investing process and methods. This is the Marvel Comics edition containing main titles from the 1960s to 1980 ish. These data are based on early 2019 data. The DC comics edition will be forthcoming.

Buy it Here Early and Often! 


This post takes data from my Investing Book (see above - Buy Early and Often). I wanted to begin to do a few posts for those that have not bought the book or wanted to see a focused approach.

These 2 charts are the summary of my research on these ASM issues. I wanted to focus on issues that are not so expensive for those with limited investment budgets

Chart 1 below lists
9.4  (ADF) Average Difference Factor (Pros vs Joes)
8.0  (ADF)
6.0  (ADF)

X mean no play
$ Orange strong evidence for a play
Yellow ? implies a gamble play (spec plays)

Green Issue (Issue is supported at mulitple grades)
Yellow Issue (Issue has good evidence for one grade but can have other grades of interest)


ASM 210 seems a strong buy at 8 and above and maybe a play down to 6. I own muliples of the first madam web character issue

ASM 212 Hydroman is a ok buy at 9.4 and a spec play down to 8.0

Next Level Spec Plays 

ASM 208 First Appearance of FUSION ?? Unknown why this issue is in here?

ASM 220
Moon Knight Cover
First Ratpack Gang
National Syndicate Directorate (First appearance)

ASM 226
Black Cat Is Back
ASM gets a kiss from Felicia Hardy

ASM 234
"Now Shall Will-O'-The-Wisp Have His Revenge!" Nice Issue and Cover

I leave the others alone but 204 (Black Cat), 205 (Black Cat), and 227 (Black Cat Dead?) maybe  gambles as well.  Clearly Insiders are focused on the Black Cat character FYI

These data can support a investment campiagn based on the Black Cat FYI. See my book on investing campiagns etc.

I would rate  ASM 210 and 212 > 226 > 220 > 234/204/205/227> 208

Chart 2 contains deeper data for each issue. Good tie breaker in here such at the %DF metric.


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